all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 5GE 11 0 51.505702 -0.010008
E14 5HA 1 0 51.505781 -0.020495
E14 5HD 1 1 51.505703 -0.02011
E14 5HQ 1 1 51.505531 -0.017422
E14 5HS 1 1 51.50576 -0.020323
E14 5HZ 1 1 51.50576 -0.020323
E14 5JJ 1 1 51.502591 -0.01693
E14 5NY 65 55 51.50307 -0.018583
E14 5LH 1 1 51.503871 -0.016587
E14 5LQ 31 31 51.504083 -0.018366
E14 5NJ 1 1 51.504057 -0.01684
E14 5BF 1 1 51.502591 -0.01693
E14 5DA 1 1 51.502534 -0.019411
E14 5NS 4 4 51.502406 -0.018151
E14 5NT 1 1 51.502387 -0.01815
E14 5RT 1 1 51.513161 -0.028318
E14 5SE 72 0 51.505711 -0.010527
E14 5SF 27 1 51.505427 -0.010685
E14 5SG 66 0 51.504967 -0.009608
E14 5SH 110 0 51.505978 -0.009795