all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 5HU 5 4 51.504649 -0.013543
E14 5NW 1 1 51.502646 -0.02017
E14 5RB 11 51.50513 -0.014443
E14 5NP 3 3 51.502592 -0.016903
E14 5HT 0 51.504733 -0.017488
E14 5NN 5 5 51.503864 -0.016574
E14 5RD 1 1 51.505087 -0.014545
E14 5LB 1 1 51.504065 -0.018437
E14 5NR 25 25 51.502714 -0.019348
E14 5GU 1 51.50513 -0.014443
E14 5EG 1 1 51.502714 -0.019375
E14 5EJ 1 1 51.502534 -0.019411
E14 5DW 1 1 51.502552 -0.019367
E14 5NU 1 1 51.5029 -0.020822
E14 5EN 1 51.502534 -0.019411
E14 5GL 1 51.505395 -0.016276
E14 5RE 1 0 51.503692 -0.01491
E14 5HJ 1 51.503818 -0.013966
E14 5FW 4 51.504863 -0.018849
E14 5FA 1 51.504937 -0.019523