all postcodes in E15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E15 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E15 4QR 60 0 51.541692 0.011001
E15 4HF 4 4 51.54268 0.00963
E15 4UY 0 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 4QT 0 51.541738 0.011479
E15 4UW 1 0 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 4JE 1 1 51.5441 0.010098
E15 4FD 38 0 51.542464 0.010588
E15 4GH 20 0 51.542968 0.012125
E15 4JD 14 0 51.544085 0.013068
E15 4FF 0 51.538188 0.005036
E15 4RG 1 51.542422 0.005178
E15 4FA 1 0 51.546566 0.013768