all postcodes in E15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E15 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E15 4SA 12 5 51.538856 0.004402
E15 4SB 1 1 51.539159 0.000305
E15 4SF 1 0 51.539962 0.001896
E15 4SG 1 1 51.539151 0.003968
E15 4SR 16 0 51.546244 0.013567
E15 4SS 8 0 51.545932 0.013929
E15 4ST 6 0 51.54541 0.013934
E15 4SU 4 0 51.545215 0.0144
E15 4SX 26 0 51.545247 0.01348
E15 4SY 21 0 51.545768 0.012984
E15 4SZ 16 0 51.545653 0.013902
E15 4TR 1 0 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 4UJ 1 1 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 4UU 1 1 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 4WD 1 1 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 4WL 1 1 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 4XE 1 1 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 4YW 1 0 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 4QL 14 0 51.542272 0.010767
E15 4QP 9 0 51.542128 0.011295