all postcodes in E16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E16 1HP 17 0 51.510445 0.014525
E16 1HQ 30 0 51.516047 0.015594
E16 1HR 5 0 51.511426 0.013515
E16 1HS 3 0 51.511168 0.013317
E16 1HT 1 1 51.511927 0.013596
E16 1HU 34 8 51.512867 0.01182
E16 1HW 21 0 51.50926 0.014977
E16 1HX 1 0 51.51277 0.012667
E16 1HZ 8 0 51.513153 0.012886
E16 1JA 49 1 51.513805 0.014212
E16 1JB 19 2 51.513318 0.013744
E16 1JD 29 0 51.514412 0.013403
E16 1JE 24 0 51.514088 0.012898
E16 1JF 0 51.51464 0.012692
E16 1JH 0 51.514387 0.01124
E16 1JJ 0 51.514477 0.011763
E16 1JL 6 51.51068 0.012963
E16 1JQ 0 51.513997 0.011914
E16 1JS 1 51.510314 0.013251
E16 1JU 0 51.513565 0.01093