all postcodes in E16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E16 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E16 1XD 0 51.511473 0.012868
E16 1LA 0 51.510523 0.015782
E16 1LB 0 51.510813 0.015203
E16 1LD 0 51.509855 0.015407
E16 1LE 0 51.509979 0.016536
E16 1LF 0 51.510492 0.017539
E16 1LG 0 51.509722 0.01788
E16 1LH 0 51.513194 0.016808
E16 1LN 3 51.512483 0.016834
E16 1LP 0 51.5139 0.017041
E16 1LQ 1 51.510991 0.01625
E16 1LR 0 51.514368 0.015966
E16 1LS 0 51.514951 0.015041
E16 1LT 0 51.511609 0.017459
E16 1LW 0 51.51308 0.015607
E16 1LX 1 51.514456 0.014529
E16 1LZ 1 51.515245 0.013122
E16 1NA 0 51.514834 0.013998
E16 1NB 0 51.514599 0.015112
E16 1ND 0 51.515135 0.022645