all postcodes in E16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E16 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E16 1NE 0 51.511655 0.019983
E16 1NF 0 51.513478 0.021216
E16 1NG 0 51.513 0.020763
E16 1NJ 0 51.513079 0.019815
E16 1NL 0 51.514669 0.018457
E16 1NN 0 51.51314 0.022037
E16 1NP 0 51.514859 0.018784
E16 1NR 0 51.514313 0.018155
E16 1NS 0 51.514164 0.017399
E16 1NT 0 51.51476 0.016747
E16 1NU 0 51.515464 0.017643
E16 1NX 0 51.515119 0.018882
E16 1PA 1 51.514999 0.019583
E16 1PD 0 51.514576 0.021135
E16 1PE 0 51.515076 0.021864
E16 1PF 0 51.514948 0.020964
E16 1PH 1 51.515314 0.023186
E16 1PJ 0 51.51384 0.018955
E16 1PL 0 51.513433 0.018591
E16 1PN 0 51.515193 0.023973