all postcodes in E16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E16 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E16 3AA 0 51.510039 0.019335
E16 3AB 0 51.51018 0.020566
E16 3AD 0 51.510517 0.021878
E16 3AE 0 51.510924 0.0207
E16 3AF 0 51.510738 0.019452
E16 3AG 0 51.511178 0.020552
E16 3AH 0 51.510467 0.02372
E16 3AL 0 51.510209 0.023579
E16 3AN 0 51.510363 0.025027
E16 3AP 0 51.511061 0.024727
E16 3AQ 0 51.511053 0.022565
E16 3AR 12 51.510679 0.025502
E16 3AS 0 51.510671 0.025444
E16 3AT 0 51.510652 0.026524
E16 3AU 0 51.51062 0.027892
E16 3AW 0 51.510855 0.023622
E16 3AY 0 51.511425 0.026588
E16 3AZ 0 51.510915 0.027963
E16 3BE 0 51.511511 0.024732
E16 3BT 1 51.509773 0.020159