all postcodes in E16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E16 3BU 1 51.509991 0.02367
E16 3BY 2 51.510195 0.028017
E16 3BZ 0 51.510119 0.028763
E16 3DA 0 51.511926 0.032965
E16 3DH 2 51.510803 0.033391
E16 3DJ 8 51.511047 0.032292
E16 3DL 0 51.510581 0.032214
E16 3DN 0 51.511145 0.028722
E16 3DP 0 51.511781 0.032483
E16 3DR 1 51.511479 0.031849
E16 3DS 0 51.510783 0.030897
E16 3DT 2 51.511746 0.030853
E16 3DU 0 51.512017 0.02977
E16 3DW 0 51.511536 0.02897
E16 3DX 0 51.512479 0.034792
E16 3DY 0 51.512673 0.034469
E16 3DZ 0 51.512784 0.033277
E16 3EA 0 51.513498 0.033064
E16 3EB 0 51.513369 0.032179
E16 3EE 0 51.512822 0.024286