all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 9PL 1 1 51.529993 -0.054496
E2 9PN 24 0 51.529892 -0.053359
E2 9PQ 40 0 51.529299 -0.053961
E2 9PR 35 0 51.53143 -0.044758
E2 9PT 26 0 51.531291 -0.045572
E2 9PW 42 0 51.530744 -0.049474
E2 9PX 5 0 51.531351 -0.045425
E2 9PY 44 0 51.531084 -0.044471
E2 9QA 60 0 51.53188 -0.045835
E2 9QB 67 1 51.531347 -0.047314
E2 9QD 46 0 51.530906 -0.049986
E2 9QE 25 0 51.530452 -0.052961
E2 9QF 1 0 51.531007 -0.050154
E2 9QH 29 13 51.52752 -0.057196
E2 9QP 12 10 51.527919 -0.056961
E2 9QT 57 0 51.528942 -0.056846
E2 9QW 1 1 51.527492 -0.05721
E2 9QX 8 5 51.527781 -0.056666
E2 9QY 3 1 51.527751 -0.057646
E2 9QR 1 0 51.527751 -0.057646