all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 9RA 52 20 51.530059 -0.056423
E2 9RD 1 1 51.530195 -0.056446
E2 9RE 5 1 51.530168 -0.056995
E2 9RF 11 7 51.51524 0.001289
E2 9RG 15 1 51.53054 -0.05721
E2 9RH 39 0 51.531214 -0.057701
E2 9RJ 43 0 51.53114 -0.058136
E2 9RL 20 0 51.53004 -0.057404
E2 9RN 15 0 51.529409 -0.05733
E2 9RP 58 0 51.528938 -0.057668
E2 9RR 45 0 51.528985 -0.058343
E2 9SJ 17 0 51.534654 -0.061289
E2 9SP 17 0 51.534343 -0.060985
E2 9SQ 10 0 51.53427 -0.061449
E2 9SW 6 0 51.534509 -0.061756
E2 9WG 1 1 51.532724 -0.060419
E2 9WW 1 51.532724 -0.060419
E2 9DF 2 0 51.533993 -0.053849
E2 9BT 11 0 51.533622 -0.057612
E2 9AT 1 0 51.532911 -0.053245