all postcodes in E5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E5 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E5 8WP 1 0 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8WQ 1 1 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8WR 1 0 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8WT 1 0 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8WX 1 0 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8WY 1 1 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8XB 1 1 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8YQ 1 1 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8YW 1 1 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8TD 8 0 51.562838 -0.060263
E5 8RB 40 0 51.563118 -0.06142
E5 8TS 3 0 51.563217 -0.061964
E5 8JF 0 51.557771 -0.063263
E5 8JX 1 51.557487 -0.062845
E5 8JY 1 51.551484 -0.062679
E5 8ZZ 1 0 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8LU 1 1 51.550747 -0.059984
E5 8GZ 0 51.550073 -0.059998
E5 8QQ 26 0 51.556891 -0.065522
E5 8ER 8 0 51.554733 -0.056309