all postcodes in E5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E5 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E5 8NZ 15 1 51.555719 -0.060984
E5 8PA 61 5 51.558829 -0.063117
E5 8PG 2 0 51.556939 -0.062854
E5 8PH 55 1 51.558077 -0.063308
E5 8PJ 8 2 51.557873 -0.064586
E5 8PL 7 1 51.55712 -0.061992
E5 8PQ 19 0 51.556953 -0.063832
E5 8PR 12 0 51.555991 -0.062242
E5 8PS 17 0 51.555802 -0.062741
E5 8PT 1 1 51.559978 -0.057557
E5 8PX 5 1 51.557845 -0.065034
E5 8PY 40 0 51.55659 -0.062
E5 8PZ 44 0 51.55659 -0.062
E5 8QB 25 1 51.555816 -0.065798
E5 8QD 9 0 51.556066 -0.059138
E5 8QE 8 0 51.555835 -0.064759
E5 8QH 11 1 51.555582 -0.065203
E5 8QJ 32 5 51.555659 -0.066094
E5 8QN 32 0 51.557161 -0.066102
E5 8QP 18 2 51.555699 -0.061995