all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E6 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 1AA 46 2 51.53758 0.040295
E6 1AB 98 2 51.537319 0.040355
E6 1AD 80 24 51.53729 0.036401
E6 1AE 57 14 51.537003 0.036345
E6 1AJ 12 0 51.537652 0.03564
E6 1AL 24 0 51.538115 0.034897
E6 1AN 44 0 51.538025 0.035931
E6 1AP 29 0 51.537644 0.03613
E6 1AQ 1 1 51.537474 0.035027
E6 1AR 44 0 51.537656 0.036967
E6 1AS 40 2 51.53764 0.037889
E6 1AT 53 0 51.538906 0.039027
E6 1AU 24 0 51.538066 0.039797
E6 1AW 43 0 51.538447 0.036554
E6 1AX 18 2 51.538793 0.039972
E6 1AY 43 1 51.538229 0.040208
E6 1BG 52 1 51.539051 0.049287
E6 1BH 30 0 51.538582 0.047867
E6 1BJ 27 0 51.539048 0.046893
E6 1BL 58 0 51.538346 0.044942