all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E6 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 1LT 36 0 51.535867 0.047803
E6 1LU 17 0 51.535982 0.048961
E6 1LW 68 0 51.53496 0.048743
E6 1LY 37 1 51.535723 0.050896
E6 1LZ 54 0 51.531894 0.045649
E6 1NG 25 0 51.534453 0.050493
E6 1NH 18 0 51.534027 0.051181
E6 1NN 15 0 51.533734 0.053127
E6 1NP 41 0 51.533937 0.050757
E6 1NQ 60 1 51.534635 0.049838
E6 1NR 40 2 51.533994 0.047964
E6 1NS 27 0 51.534254 0.048004
E6 1NT 17 1 51.533175 0.049499
E6 1NU 34 0 51.533292 0.049028
E6 1NW 10 0 51.533427 0.05261
E6 1NX 33 0 51.533185 0.048447
E6 1NY 22 0 51.533391 0.050561
E6 1NZ 18 0 51.53317 0.050868
E6 1PA 34 0 51.533111 0.04804
E6 1PB 42 0 51.53294 0.047513