all postcodes in E7 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E7 0LT 45 0 51.552703 0.035317
E7 0LU 34 0 51.552683 0.034898
E7 0LW 33 1 51.553663 0.033845
E7 0LX 49 0 51.554262 0.035112
E7 0LY 28 0 51.554144 0.033621
E7 0NE 2 2 51.549417 0.024682
E7 0NF 7 6 51.549511 0.024989
E7 0NG 37 2 51.550565 0.026322
E7 0NH 66 3 51.55066 0.029139
E7 0NJ 29 1 51.550855 0.028296
E7 0NL 42 1 51.550949 0.031185
E7 0NN 36 0 51.551159 0.032565
E7 0NP 59 1 51.551456 0.034583
E7 0NQ 52 2 51.550208 0.026176
E7 0NR 8 4 51.547986 0.035568
E7 0NT 42 1 51.550372 0.035934
E7 0NU 41 0 51.550059 0.032718
E7 0NW 2 0 51.551623 0.033377
E7 0NX 40 0 51.550376 0.032573
E7 0NY 1 1 51.549081 0.041401