all postcodes in E7 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E7 0QP 40 0 51.548225 0.026968
E7 0QQ 85 1 51.546903 0.025957
E7 0QR 18 0 51.547814 0.0263
E7 0QS 43 0 51.547798 0.027237
E7 0QT 41 0 51.547545 0.026779
E7 0QU 21 0 51.547824 0.027772
E7 0QX 58 0 51.547826 0.029243
E7 0QY 71 0 51.548301 0.033
E7 0QZ 2 0 51.550733 0.034796
E7 0RA 46 0 51.548915 0.038004
E7 0RB 56 0 51.548655 0.038497
E7 0RD 4 0 51.549692 0.040909
E7 0RE 1 0 51.548731 0.030452
E7 0RF 61 1 51.549468 0.041879
E7 0SG 1 1 51.548786 0.023661
E7 0XB 1 1 51.548786 0.023661
E7 0XY 1 0 51.548787 0.023688
E7 0YZ 1 1 51.548786 0.023661
E7 0EQ 13 0 51.550409 0.022853
E7 0NA 17 0 51.549977 0.039508