all postcodes in E7 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E7 8DR 47 15 51.545474 0.036278
E7 8DS 51 1 51.544382 0.034441
E7 8DT 47 0 51.544112 0.034429
E7 8DU 72 19 51.544992 0.039155
E7 8DW 53 0 51.544762 0.034285
E7 8DX 56 0 51.545246 0.039022
E7 8DY 55 0 51.545896 0.038922
E7 8DZ 55 0 51.5456 0.038879
E7 8EA 53 0 51.54683 0.036382
E7 8EB 41 1 51.546666 0.035985
E7 8ED 37 1 51.54677 0.034648
E7 8EF 55 0 51.545692 0.034714
E7 8EG 35 0 51.545338 0.032709
E7 8EN 46 0 51.543706 0.03454
E7 8EP 58 0 51.544572 0.039021
E7 8ER 60 0 51.544294 0.038965
E7 8ES 61 0 51.543652 0.039182
E7 8ET 60 0 51.543924 0.039035
E7 8EU 51 0 51.542751 0.034642
E7 8EW 47 0 51.543436 0.034514