all postcodes in E7 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E7 8NQ 48 0 51.540419 0.036831
E7 8NR 6 0 51.54371 0.036343
E7 8NW 62 17 51.541805 0.037944
E7 8PA 32 0 51.540178 0.034138
E7 8PB 33 0 51.539899 0.034183
E7 8PD 68 2 51.539648 0.034619
E7 8PE 32 0 51.53931 0.036493
E7 8PF 35 1 51.539829 0.03767
E7 8PG 32 1 51.540416 0.039124
E7 8PH 48 1 51.540726 0.041416
E7 8PJ 24 1 51.539784 0.039353
E7 8PL 51 0 51.540385 0.0383
E7 8PN 30 0 51.538909 0.041479
E7 8PP 36 6 51.538516 0.041317
E7 8PQ 60 0 51.540929 0.041151
E7 8PR 54 0 51.539162 0.038289
E7 8PS 40 0 51.539359 0.037851
E7 8PT 21 0 51.539146 0.035592
E7 8PU 18 0 51.538933 0.03489
E7 8PW 36 0 51.539421 0.040968