all postcodes in E7 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E7 8EW 47 0 51.543436 0.034514
E7 8EX 45 0 51.543031 0.034568
E7 8EY 51 0 51.54211 0.034743
E7 8EZ 52 0 51.542406 0.0348
E7 8HA 35 0 51.541645 0.034102
E7 8HB 48 0 51.541341 0.034017
E7 8HD 59 2 51.543062 0.039473
E7 8HE 75 0 51.543349 0.039543
E7 8HF 50 0 51.542404 0.039573
E7 8HG 65 0 51.542716 0.039731
E7 8HN 33 0 51.54156 0.031229
E7 8HP 26 0 51.540917 0.030421
E7 8HR 23 1 51.540968 0.030063
E7 8HS 30 0 51.541884 0.031185
E7 8HT 48 1 51.542188 0.031271
E7 8HU 3 1 51.542109 0.029609
E7 8HW 30 0 51.541274 0.031605
E7 8HY 55 5 51.541759 0.028007
E7 8HZ 57 0 51.542988 0.028711
E7 8JA 43 2 51.542755 0.029176