all postcodes in E7 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E7 8LG 1 1 51.537784 0.033728
E7 8LH 19 13 51.538657 0.033695
E7 8LJ 38 17 51.540185 0.032739
E7 8LL 33 10 51.541973 0.032933
E7 8LQ 18 5 51.537956 0.034197
E7 8LS 58 4 51.543549 0.036293
E7 8LT 74 18 51.541648 0.037535
E7 8LW 30 0 51.540385 0.0383
E7 8LY 62 0 51.541581 0.036234
E7 8LZ 27 2 51.540966 0.035384
E7 8NA 34 0 51.540882 0.035063
E7 8NB 28 0 51.540857 0.033908
E7 8ND 33 0 51.54056 0.033895
E7 8NE 37 0 51.541331 0.036612
E7 8NF 31 0 51.541034 0.036642
E7 8NG 35 0 51.540742 0.036874
E7 8NH 60 0 51.541531 0.040673
E7 8NJ 53 0 51.541295 0.040793
E7 8NL 57 2 51.542056 0.039918
E7 8NN 55 1 51.541878 0.040357