all postcodes in E8 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E8 1JH 80 5 51.548819 -0.058148
E8 1JN 54 13 51.548122 -0.05675
E8 1JP 35 0 51.548287 -0.056298
E8 1JR 7 1 51.548226 -0.056529
E8 1JS 40 0 51.548315 -0.055905
E8 1JT 9 0 51.548646 -0.055848
E8 1JU 38 0 51.548863 -0.056459
E8 1JW 1 1 51.54788 -0.056255
E8 1JX 29 0 51.548354 -0.055586
E8 1JY 33 0 51.549002 -0.057203
E8 1JZ 27 0 51.548868 -0.059978
E8 1LA 71 5 51.548392 -0.062205
E8 1LB 60 0 51.54773 -0.063502
E8 1LD 71 1 51.547714 -0.06307
E8 1LE 40 0 51.547734 -0.06268
E8 1LF 40 0 51.547692 -0.062321
E8 1LG 40 0 51.548047 -0.06258
E8 1LL 32 5 51.547843 -0.057196
E8 1LN 65 0 51.54832 -0.058371
E8 1LP 66 1 51.548081 -0.060705