all postcodes in E8 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E8 1LQ 13 0 51.549359 -0.05925
E8 1LS 9 1 51.547315 -0.06013
E8 1LT 8 0 51.548526 -0.06148
E8 1LW 16 0 51.548737 -0.059147
E8 1LX 30 0 51.549015 -0.060173
E8 1NA 86 0 51.547518 -0.05829
E8 1NB 7 0 51.547507 -0.059271
E8 1ND 31 0 51.548076 -0.05942
E8 1NE 70 0 51.546902 -0.064028
E8 1NG 164 6 51.548139 -0.067581
E8 1NF 17 0 51.548092 -0.0664
E8 1NH 27 7 51.548387 -0.067931
E8 1NL 22 0 51.548138 -0.067523
E8 1NT 93 0 51.547074 -0.06464
E8 1NU 36 0 51.548596 -0.066393
E8 1NY 90 0 51.54783 -0.061378
E8 1NZ 22 0 51.548583 -0.064533
E8 1PA 27 0 51.54635 -0.064916
E8 1PB 131 0 51.545961 -0.064212
E8 1PD 121 0 51.546509 -0.060915