all postcodes in E9 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E9 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E9 6BP 52 2 51.548601 -0.045522
E9 6BS 50 0 51.548398 -0.044595
E9 6BT 50 0 51.549103 -0.044233
E9 6BU 35 0 51.548195 -0.046521
E9 6BW 50 0 51.549308 -0.045753
E9 6BX 5 1 51.549961 -0.043502
E9 6DA 60 2 51.551164 -0.043393
E9 6DB 16 0 51.551018 -0.04327
E9 6DE 8 0 51.5514 -0.043498
E9 6DF 4 1 51.550129 -0.042788
E9 6DG 48 0 51.549489 -0.042181
E9 6DJ 1 1 51.548875 -0.043507
E9 6DL 6 5 51.548634 -0.043184
E9 6DN 3 0 51.55123 -0.043044
E9 6DP 16 0 51.548228 -0.049591
E9 6DS 40 0 51.547947 -0.048911
E9 6DT 35 0 51.547759 -0.048948
E9 6DU 37 1 51.547586 -0.050484
E9 6DW 45 0 51.550541 -0.051858
E9 6DX 15 1 51.548072 -0.049959