all postcodes in E9 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E9 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E9 6JS 55 1 51.548613 -0.047844
E9 6JU 7 4 51.547072 -0.048114
E9 6JY 35 0 51.546619 -0.04803
E9 6JZ 25 0 51.546169 -0.047977
E9 6LA 20 0 51.546313 -0.047971
E9 6LB 25 0 51.546079 -0.047433
E9 6LD 30 0 51.545916 -0.046834
E9 6LE 20 0 51.546334 -0.047119
E9 6LH 46 4 51.546825 -0.049074
E9 6LJ 3 0 51.547269 -0.050211
E9 6LL 3 2 51.546947 -0.050874
E9 6LP 1 1 51.546074 -0.051457
E9 6LQ 10 0 51.547006 -0.050206
E9 6LS 10 0 51.547006 -0.050206
E9 6LU 38 0 51.545354 -0.050334
E9 6LX 39 0 51.545652 -0.050423
E9 6LY 12 0 51.54446 -0.05069
E9 6NA 40 6 51.545897 -0.053801
E9 6ND 20 5 51.546922 -0.05269
E9 6NG 73 11 51.545737 -0.051746