all postcodes in EC1M / LONDON

find any address or company within the EC1M postcode district

Postcode Area

EC / East Central London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EC1M 5RF 10 10 51.522676 -0.102549
EC1M 5RJ 3 3 51.522751 -0.103659
EC1M 5RN 5 5 51.52231 -0.102538
EC1M 5RR 22 6 51.521673 -0.105589
EC1M 5RS 39 5 51.522262 -0.104602
EC1M 5SA 16 15 51.522535 -0.104919
EC1M 5SX 21 3 51.521856 -0.104659
EC1M 5SY 29 1 51.521471 -0.10528
EC1M 5UA 4 4 51.521634 -0.104293
EC1M 5TX 1 1 51.521634 -0.104293
EC1M 5UB 2 2 51.521351 -0.104017
EC1M 5UG 81 1 51.520675 -0.103382
EC1M 5UH 5 2 51.521159 -0.103794
EC1M 5UJ 3 3 51.521199 -0.103504
EC1M 5UL 3 1 51.521272 -0.103559
EC1M 5UP 8 1 51.521393 -0.103658
EC1M 5UQ 34 2 51.521665 -0.10396
EC1M 5UR 1 0 51.521864 -0.104053
EC1M 5US 1 0 51.52191 -0.104094
EC1M 5UU 1 0 51.521984 -0.10425