all postcodes in EC1M / LONDON

find any address or company within the EC1M postcode district

Postcode Area

EC / East Central London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EC1M 5UX 1 1 51.522092 -0.104231
EC1M 5UY 5 5 51.522174 -0.104285
EC1M 5SZ 7 0 51.521673 -0.105041
EC1M 5UT 0 51.521956 -0.10415
EC1M 5PQ 3 3 51.523309 -0.099409
EC1M 5PN 22 0 51.523081 -0.099202
EC1M 5PW 21 0 51.52286 -0.098894
EC1M 5PY 41 0 51.52259 -0.098905
EC1M 5PZ 29 0 51.522913 -0.099411
EC1M 5UE 2 51.521277 -0.103904
EC1M 5NG 1 51.522192 -0.105438
EC1M 5TW 1 1 51.522537 -0.105034
EC1M 5QP 6 6 51.520332 -0.104278
EC1M 5UD 2 1 51.521315 -0.103975
EC1M 5AD 13 51.520973 -0.102894
EC1M 5NP 1 51.522054 -0.105775