all postcodes in EC1V / LONDON

find any address or company within the EC1V postcode district

Postcode Area

EC / East Central London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EC1V 4LD 24 3 51.530219 -0.105739
EC1V 4LE 7 0 51.523503 -0.101924
EC1V 4LF 14 0 51.522947 -0.1015
EC1V 4LJ 3 3 51.524037 -0.101065
EC1V 4LS 5 1 51.524201 -0.103379
EC1V 4LW 1 0 51.524036 -0.103242
EC1V 4LY 25 4 51.525612 -0.104445
EC1V 4NB 1 1 51.526486 -0.104553
EC1V 4NE 32 0 51.526418 -0.104815
EC1V 4NG 12 1 51.525941 -0.104258
EC1V 4NJ 18 9 51.531408 -0.105877
EC1V 4NN 23 0 51.530376 -0.105303
EC1V 4NP 4 0 51.529979 -0.104797
EC1V 4NR 8 0 51.529772 -0.104835
EC1V 4NT 50 1 51.52903 -0.104505
EC1V 4NW 47 0 51.526418 -0.104815
EC1V 4NX 17 0 51.528608 -0.104566
EC1V 4NY 64 0 51.526418 -0.104815
EC1V 4PA 5 5 51.528197 -0.104586
EC1V 4PB 1 1 51.527318 -0.104302