all postcodes in EC1V / LONDON

find any address or company within the EC1V postcode district

Postcode Area

EC / East Central London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EC1V 4PD 1 1 51.526698 -0.103809
EC1V 4PE 4 4 51.526534 -0.103657
EC1V 4PG 7 0 51.525797 -0.103688
EC1V 4PH 27 2 51.526025 -0.103289
EC1V 4UD 4 1 51.523607 -0.102236
EC1V 4PS 11 0 51.523607 -0.102236
EC1V 4PY 1 1 51.523344 -0.10268
EC1V 4QJ 12 12 51.523518 -0.102762
EC1V 4QR 1 1 51.525549 -0.103914
EC1V 4RE 1 1 51.523344 -0.10268
EC1V 4RW 1 1 51.530839 -0.10629
EC1V 4UA 4 1 51.523499 -0.102128
EC1V 4RU 2 2 51.523344 -0.10268
EC1V 4JR 1 0 51.523985 -0.101759
EC1V 4LA 1 1 51.523603 -0.101458
EC1V 4NA 6 0 51.53083 -0.105728
EC1V 4ND 18 0 51.531146 -0.10583
EC1V 4UB 4 4 51.523308 -0.102133
EC1V 4AT 147 0 51.525314 -0.103823
EC1V 4DE 1 51.524254 -0.102786