all postcodes in EN11 / BROXBOURNE

find any address or company within the EN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN11 0GH 16 0 51.768036 0.006132
EN11 0GJ 38 0 51.768948 0.00697
EN11 0GL 8 0 51.76827 0.008186
EN11 0GN 8 0 51.768186 0.007893
EN11 0GP 8 0 51.768052 0.007668
EN11 0GQ 8 0 51.768052 0.007307
EN11 0GR 5 0 51.76947 0.005892
EN11 0HA 5 0 51.767721 0.001408
EN11 0HB 1 1 51.757832 0.007535
EN11 0HD 29 0 51.767152 0.002064
EN11 0HJ 31 0 51.767376 -0.005274
EN11 0HL 37 0 51.768603 -0.003423
EN11 0HN 38 0 51.768576 -0.002888
EN11 0HP 33 0 51.767968 0.001115
EN11 0HR 22 0 51.768587 0.002809
EN11 0HS 8 0 51.76903 0.003742
EN11 0HT 9 0 51.768397 0.003917
EN11 0HU 2 2 51.767815 0.0047
EN11 0HW 20 1 51.767424 -0.001243
EN11 0HX 22 0 51.767414 0.003583