all postcodes in EN11 / BROXBOURNE

find any address or company within the EN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN11 0NN 13 0 51.771263 -0.000667
EN11 0NP 43 0 51.771474 0.000661
EN11 0NQ 10 0 51.772875 -0.000784
EN11 0NR 5 5 51.759712 -0.001946
EN11 0NS 15 0 51.770696 -8.4E-5
EN11 0NT 23 20 51.760276 -0.001981
EN11 0NU 52 1 51.770878 0.001359
EN11 0ZQ 1 1 51.759754 -0.010276
EN11 0NX 8 7 51.760212 -0.000706
EN11 0PA 1 1 51.770291 0.003595
EN11 0PD 5 0 51.76869 -0.00539
EN11 0PE 4 3 51.76656 -0.008093
EN11 0PF 7 0 51.767872 -0.007499
EN11 0PG 47 0 51.768088 -0.005909
EN11 0PH 8 0 51.768626 -0.006871
EN11 0PJ 41 0 51.769293 -0.005914
EN11 0PL 13 0 51.768717 -0.004852
EN11 0PN 14 0 51.769357 -0.004418
EN11 0PP 14 0 51.769692 -0.006665
EN11 0PQ 13 0 51.767972 -0.004047