all postcodes in EN9 / WALTHAM ABBEY

find any address or company within the EN9 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN9 1UL 18 0 51.68212 0.015728
EN9 1UN 36 0 51.681132 0.014064
EN9 1UP 23 1 51.680995 0.00918
EN9 1UQ 32 0 51.683267 0.014084
EN9 1UR 40 0 51.681992 0.007462
EN9 1UT 8 0 51.683045 0.007914
EN9 1UU 20 5 51.683588 0.009298
EN9 1UW 10 0 51.681437 0.011488
EN9 1UX 16 0 51.680697 0.010616
EN9 1XA 51 0 51.685476 0.00617
EN9 1XB 75 0 51.684953 0.005192
EN9 1XD 36 0 51.685583 0.005191
EN9 1XE 24 15 51.685902 0.00493
EN9 1XG 21 0 51.686477 0.005691
EN9 1BU 13 0 51.687036 -0.007274
EN9 1BQ 11 0 51.687105 -0.006577
EN9 1BD 6 4 51.687087 -0.007142
EN9 1BB 21 0 51.687036 -0.007274
EN9 1PQ 0 51.686011 0.001388
EN9 1EX 4 0 51.687082 -0.002341