all postcodes in EN9 / WALTHAM ABBEY

find any address or company within the EN9 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN9 1TH 50 0 51.690631 0.0134
EN9 1TJ 42 0 51.690772 0.011439
EN9 1TL 40 0 51.689777 0.01235
EN9 1TP 27 0 51.685108 0.010869
EN9 1TQ 46 0 51.69134 0.010827
EN9 1TR 4 0 51.685145 0.011855
EN9 1TS 5 0 51.683881 0.011076
EN9 1TT 5 0 51.683687 0.010893
EN9 1TU 5 0 51.68351 0.010726
EN9 1TW 6 0 51.685601 0.011484
EN9 1TX 4 0 51.683064 0.01156
EN9 1TZ 7 0 51.683185 0.011826
EN9 1UA 8 0 51.68326 0.012162
EN9 1UB 16 0 51.68327 0.012669
EN9 1UD 20 0 51.683674 0.012352
EN9 1UE 28 0 51.684073 0.011631
EN9 1UF 16 0 51.684618 0.011137
EN9 1UG 16 0 51.683596 0.01303
EN9 1UH 39 0 51.682925 0.01546
EN9 1UJ 8 0 51.682483 0.015513