all postcodes in EN9 / WALTHAM ABBEY

find any address or company within the EN9 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN9 1SF 8 0 51.685803 0.007009
EN9 1SG 28 0 51.68533 0.006829
EN9 1SH 6 0 51.684341 0.00787
EN9 1SJ 16 0 51.685437 0.007383
EN9 1SL 6 0 51.684046 0.008305
EN9 1SN 23 0 51.683759 0.009305
EN9 1SQ 38 0 51.68424 0.007446
EN9 1SR 4 0 51.684432 0.009885
EN9 1SS 14 0 51.683164 0.00993
EN9 1ST 40 0 51.682732 0.010996
EN9 1SU 18 0 51.682282 0.013102
EN9 1SX 24 0 51.682013 0.013262
EN9 1SY 36 0 51.682174 0.010985
EN9 1SZ 38 0 51.681961 0.009484
EN9 1TA 20 0 51.682421 0.008667
EN9 1TB 6 0 51.681814 0.008624
EN9 1TD 24 0 51.681374 0.010658
EN9 1TE 15 0 51.681739 0.009864
EN9 1TF 36 0 51.682364 0.014581
EN9 1TG 26 0 51.681746 0.013946