all postcodes in EX11 / OTTERY ST. MARY

find any address or company within the EX11 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX11 1NZ 23 0 50.771703 -3.258912
EX11 1PA 11 0 50.775247 -3.256327
EX11 1PB 2 0 50.778153 -3.254517
EX11 1PD 10 0 50.772197 -3.259011
EX11 1PE 7 0 50.775226 -3.258269
EX11 1PF 16 0 50.775776 -3.257305
EX11 1PG 4 0 50.761883 -3.254606
EX11 1PH 5 0 50.756519 -3.253401
EX11 1PJ 15 0 50.754718 -3.242748
EX11 1PL 8 1 50.751777 -3.261199
EX11 1PN 10 0 50.747902 -3.276758
EX11 1GL 21 0 50.74732 -3.277236
EX11 1PP 6 1 50.741177 -3.268354
EX11 1PQ 6 0 50.762083 -3.242802
EX11 1PR 4 0 50.749589 -3.2681
EX11 1PS 1 0 50.73884 -3.265797
EX11 1PT 3 0 50.739105 -3.27367
EX11 1PU 14 1 50.733391 -3.277241
EX11 1PW 10 0 50.746238 -3.274373
EX11 1PX 7 0 50.735174 -3.277857