all postcodes in EX15 / CULLOMPTON

find any address or company within the EX15 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX15 3TP 4 0 50.942443 -3.180522
EX15 3TQ 10 0 50.926498 -3.191273
EX15 3TR 9 1 50.942802 -3.172517
EX15 3TS 6 0 50.938421 -3.176292
EX15 3TT 11 1 50.93637 -3.177223
EX15 3TU 12 1 50.929531 -3.179455
EX15 3TW 8 0 50.945689 -3.190312
EX15 3TX 1 0 50.923607 -3.182791
EX15 3TZ 3 0 50.91854 -3.226064
EX15 3UD 4 0 50.920885 -3.232133
EX15 3UE 1 0 50.925961 -3.232552
EX15 3UF 2 0 50.928182 -3.227641
EX15 3UG 5 0 50.920809 -3.236755
EX15 3UH 1 0 50.919145 -3.253626
EX15 3UJ 4 0 50.921142 -3.256952
EX15 3UL 4 0 50.928008 -3.256525
EX15 3UN 5 0 50.928954 -3.248796
EX15 3UP 2 0 50.930667 -3.240969
EX15 3UQ 7 0 50.919129 -3.247565
EX15 3UR 2 0 50.928493 -3.247486