all postcodes in EX17 / CREDITON

find any address or company within the EX17 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX17 4PL 6 0 50.817908 -3.712338
EX17 4PN 1 0 50.819016 -3.711536
EX17 4PP 14 0 50.819651 -3.709984
EX17 4PQ 2 1 50.807918 -3.696189
EX17 4PR 3 0 50.82187 -3.711357
EX17 4PS 10 0 50.831623 -3.718984
EX17 4PT 1 0 50.814648 -3.707714
EX17 4PU 1 0 50.817244 -3.718286
EX17 4PW 15 0 50.81811 -3.710751
EX17 4PZ 0 50.818908 -3.710964
EX17 4QA 0 50.874783 -3.699251
EX17 4QB 0 50.867858 -3.706702
EX17 4QD 0 50.879682 -3.719847
EX17 4QE 1 50.867261 -3.720977
EX17 4QF 0 50.875304 -3.732929
EX17 4QG 0 50.882105 -3.727353
EX17 4QH 0 50.889045 -3.726316
EX17 4QJ 0 50.877754 -3.708898
EX17 4QQ 0 50.881873 -3.740523
EX17 4QR 0 50.880569 -3.703385