all postcodes in EX24 / COLYTON

find any address or company within the EX24 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX24 6JN 2 1 50.74211 -3.070335
EX24 6JR 9 4 50.740726 -3.070423
EX24 6JS 17 8 50.740916 -3.070052
EX24 6JT 2 0 50.74089 -3.06991
EX24 6JU 23 4 50.740252 -3.070873
EX24 6JW 3 0 50.741399 -3.072564
EX24 6JX 11 2 50.740649 -3.071938
EX24 6JY 15 0 50.740802 -3.070963
EX24 6JZ 2 0 50.740562 -3.072397
EX24 6LA 5 2 50.740759 -3.07272
EX24 6LB 4 0 50.74092 -3.072723
EX24 6LD 4 0 50.741076 -3.072472
EX24 6LE 4 0 50.741163 -3.072701
EX24 6LF 15 1 50.741634 -3.0724
EX24 6LG 3 0 50.742304 -3.071876
EX24 6LH 2 0 50.741765 -3.070695
EX24 6LJ 11 1 50.741369 -3.070877
EX24 6LL 4 0 50.742205 -3.070939
EX24 6LN 8 0 50.742285 -3.07009
EX24 6LP 4 0 50.742621 -3.070636