all postcodes in EX31 / BARNSTAPLE

find any address or company within the EX31 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX31 1PH 8 0 51.086178 -4.062627
EX31 1PJ 43 5 51.08717 -4.062119
EX31 1PL 3 0 51.088004 -4.061742
EX31 1PN 27 0 51.088418 -4.061175
EX31 1PP 3 0 51.088123 -4.060063
EX31 1PQ 48 4 51.086923 -4.061823
EX31 1PR 12 0 51.088519 -4.059038
EX31 1PS 14 0 51.087843 -4.058636
EX31 1PT 20 0 51.089492 -4.06148
EX31 1PU 10 0 51.088859 -4.059667
EX31 1PW 4 0 51.08808 -4.061003
EX31 1PX 10 0 51.090038 -4.059591
EX31 1PY 3 0 51.089062 -4.060376
EX31 1PZ 23 0 51.089795 -4.060094
EX31 1QA 30 0 51.09 -4.062759
EX31 1QB 1 0 51.089318 -4.064228
EX31 1QD 11 0 51.090202 -4.064596
EX31 1QE 24 0 51.090696 -4.061548
EX31 1QF 4 0 51.091218 -4.062571
EX31 1QG 32 0 51.091324 -4.062161