all postcodes in EX37 / UMBERLEIGH

find any address or company within the EX37 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX37 9PD 10 0 50.973641 -3.924412
EX37 9PE 4 0 50.979742 -3.918139
EX37 9PG 7 0 50.985621 -3.92485
EX37 9PF 3 0 50.98251 -3.913352
EX37 9PP 8 0 51.011994 -3.947412
EX37 9PQ 3 0 50.982755 -3.941572
EX37 9PR 6 0 51.012276 -3.947723
EX37 9PS 4 0 51.012129 -3.948473
EX37 9PT 4 0 51.012057 -3.949011
EX37 9PU 14 0 51.011616 -3.950119
EX37 9PX 10 1 51.01106 -3.951635
EX37 9PY 9 0 51.012374 -3.953687
EX37 9PZ 1 0 51.007442 -3.95499
EX37 9QA 3 0 51.009914 -3.945928
EX37 9QB 14 0 51.006363 -3.945309
EX37 9QD 24 0 51.012496 -3.95017
EX37 9QE 21 0 51.012717 -3.949353
EX37 9QH 4 0 51.012762 -3.941742
EX37 9QJ 12 0 51.01302 -3.942465
EX37 9QL 20 2 51.012948 -3.944629