all postcodes in EX38 / TORRINGTON

find any address or company within the EX38 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX38 7EH 1 0 50.935447 -4.098154
EX38 7EJ 1 0 50.935484 -4.081489
EX38 7EL 7 0 50.951685 -4.135064
EX38 7EN 3 0 50.946341 -4.135702
EX38 7EP 1 0 50.946181 -4.128178
EX38 7EQ 2 0 50.936086 -4.122703
EX38 7ER 15 0 50.950863 -4.127922
EX38 7ES 13 1 50.96149 -4.125132
EX38 7ET 2 0 50.965005 -4.125902
EX38 7EU 6 0 50.968618 -4.133206
EX38 7EW 1 1 50.945448 -4.130422
EX38 7EY 3 0 50.959259 -4.14387
EX38 7EZ 5 1 50.958354 -4.155876
EX38 7HA 6 1 50.968908 -4.150753
EX38 7HB 3 0 50.982654 -4.151516
EX38 7HD 4 0 50.986562 -4.142934
EX38 7HE 25 0 50.994239 -4.131114
EX38 7HF 2 0 51.001361 -4.11733
EX38 7HG 2 1 50.990452 -4.115323
EX38 7HH 9 1 50.985979 -4.129585