all postcodes in EX6 / EXETER

find any address or company within the EX6 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX6 7PF 21 0 50.655801 -3.655725
EX6 7PG 14 0 50.659543 -3.656904
EX6 7QE 3 0 50.654543 -3.663165
EX6 7PH 14 0 50.657151 -3.654372
EX6 7PJ 14 0 50.662752 -3.650055
EX6 7PL 3 2 50.667961 -3.646106
EX6 7PN 7 0 50.666871 -3.645586
EX6 7PP 10 0 50.668147 -3.623272
EX6 7PQ 7 0 50.657956 -3.653396
EX6 7PR 19 1 50.668992 -3.625086
EX6 7PS 9 1 50.667257 -3.621191
EX6 7PT 17 0 50.668325 -3.616799
EX6 7PU 1 0 50.667615 -3.61298
EX6 7PW 6 0 50.666845 -3.641722
EX6 7PX 11 0 50.671125 -3.614714
EX6 7PY 4 0 50.675104 -3.614371
EX6 7PZ 10 0 50.671348 -3.628366
EX6 7QA 1 0 50.659739 -3.646228
EX6 7QB 15 8 50.655628 -3.644444
EX6 7QD 6 0 50.654177 -3.652259