all postcodes in FK1 / LARBERT

find any address or company within the FK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK1 1RJ 1 1 55.999789 -3.779544
FK1 1RL 22 0 56.000566 -3.780477
FK1 1RN 12 0 56.000696 -3.778928
FK1 1RP 5 5 55.999805 -3.778438
FK1 1RQ 7 6 56.000059 -3.780727
FK1 1RR 13 5 56.000749 -3.774665
FK1 1RS 7 1 56.000866 -3.777156
FK1 1RW 17 0 56.000836 -3.78235
FK1 1RX 20 0 56.000623 -3.776535
FK1 1SB 12 2 55.999817 -3.778246
FK1 1SD 35 1 56.000452 -3.775918
FK1 1SE 6 0 55.999879 -3.772668
FK1 1SF 26 0 55.998751 -3.770516
FK1 1SG 19 0 55.999744 -3.772069
FK1 1SH 16 0 56.000308 -3.770924
FK1 1SJ 36 0 55.999692 -3.768186
FK1 1SL 16 0 55.999511 -3.770118
FK1 1SN 29 0 55.998976 -3.769243
FK1 1SP 8 0 55.999312 -3.769563
FK1 1SQ 1 1 55.99824 -3.77293