all postcodes in FK10 / CLACKMANNAN

find any address or company within the FK10 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK10 3LJ 0 56.128255 -3.771492
FK10 3LL 0 56.128969 -3.766794
FK10 3LP 21 56.122283 -3.778102
FK10 3LQ 3 56.122226 -3.780345
FK10 3LT 1 56.121404 -3.777322
FK10 3LU 0 56.121149 -3.779008
FK10 3LW 0 56.123605 -3.781107
FK10 3LX 0 56.123335 -3.779277
FK10 3LY 0 56.122947 -3.780643
FK10 3NA 2 56.124147 -3.780907
FK10 3ND 0 56.126234 -3.781438
FK10 3NE 0 56.125123 -3.781162
FK10 3NH 0 56.124958 -3.780124
FK10 3NF 0 56.126369 -3.780769
FK10 3NG 0 56.127733 -3.777317
FK10 3NJ 0 56.126626 -3.779751
FK10 3NL 0 56.127579 -3.778709
FK10 3NN 0 56.125877 -3.779394
FK10 3NP 0 56.125928 -3.774554
FK10 3NQ 1 56.127204 -3.780196