all postcodes in FK10 / CLACKMANNAN

find any address or company within the FK10 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK10 1RL 27 0 56.108741 -3.778105
FK10 1RN 42 0 56.10833 -3.777266
FK10 1RP 1 0 56.116264 -3.777358
FK10 1TA 1 56.118944 -3.816715
FK10 1SG 26 0 56.108639 -3.779765
FK10 1AE 15 0 56.108246 -3.793239
FK10 1SH 0 56.108323 -3.780506
FK10 1SJ 0 56.108583 -3.77928
FK10 1EF 0 56.10776 -3.792702
FK10 1AF 1 1 56.11226 -3.796562
FK10 1EX 1 1 56.112265 -3.79657
FK10 1AH 0 56.107423 -3.792976
FK10 2AB 1 56.117144 -3.794755
FK10 2AD 1 56.118075 -3.795651
FK10 2AF 2 56.117891 -3.793438
FK10 2AG 0 56.118599 -3.790527
FK10 2AH 0 56.119148 -3.791663
FK10 2AL 8 56.120797 -3.787026
FK10 2AN 0 56.120949 -3.787693
FK10 2AP 2 56.120712 -3.789146