all postcodes in FK12 / ALVA

find any address or company within the FK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK12 5HH 0 56.150728 -3.795209
FK12 5HN 0 56.152597 -3.793381
FK12 5HP 0 56.152767 -3.794661
FK12 5HQ 0 56.152462 -3.795396
FK12 5HR 1 56.153597 -3.791946
FK12 5HS 0 56.154084 -3.79308
FK12 5HT 1 56.15428 -3.784523
FK12 5HU 0 56.15776 -3.773107
FK12 5HX 0 56.153 -3.789149
FK12 5HY 0 56.151729 -3.792503
FK12 5HZ 0 56.153787 -3.790603
FK12 5JB 0 56.15333 -3.788021
FK12 5JG 1 56.153749 -3.798796
FK12 5JH 0 56.153262 -3.798338
FK12 5JL 1 56.154596 -3.798642
FK12 5JN 0 56.154982 -3.799932
FK12 5JP 0 56.155699 -3.798195
FK12 5JQ 0 56.153848 -3.799412
FK12 5JR 0 56.155954 -3.797321
FK12 5JS 0 56.15593 -3.795919