all postcodes in FK14 / DOLLAR

find any address or company within the FK14 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK14 7AA 14 3 56.162286 -3.670091
FK14 7AB 10 0 56.162364 -3.668307
FK14 7AD 20 0 56.161935 -3.666807
FK14 7AE 16 0 56.163653 -3.667364
FK14 7AG 2 0 56.164992 -3.666837
FK14 7AH 17 0 56.164333 -3.667619
FK14 7AJ 9 0 56.164142 -3.668432
FK14 7AL 8 0 56.165682 -3.668805
FK14 7AN 6 0 56.164816 -3.669734
FK14 7AP 15 0 56.166436 -3.666905
FK14 7AQ 4 0 56.164749 -3.667428
FK14 7AR 22 0 56.166475 -3.668646
FK14 7AS 19 0 56.165994 -3.669672
FK14 7AT 9 0 56.164478 -3.670846
FK14 7AU 14 0 56.166952 -3.667942
FK14 7AW 6 0 56.165399 -3.669195
FK14 7AX 5 0 56.166004 -3.670929
FK14 7AY 15 1 56.166883 -3.670387
FK14 7AZ 20 0 56.167526 -3.668724
FK14 7BA 5 0 56.16863 -3.667483