all postcodes in FK16 / DOUNE

find any address or company within the FK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK16 6DS 3 0 56.190017 -4.048261
FK16 6BG 3 1 56.189513 -4.05265
FK16 6DT 47 0 56.193303 -4.052224
FK16 6DU 50 0 56.191844 -4.05242
FK16 6DX 17 0 56.192915 -4.0518
FK16 6DY 22 0 56.192841 -4.052973
FK16 6DZ 5 0 56.193107 -4.054277
FK16 6EF 16 0 56.193979 -4.053179
FK16 6HA 0 56.206371 -4.060274
FK16 6AN 4 0 56.19093 -4.078198
FK16 6BF 16 0 56.190038 -4.078239
FK16 6EG 39 0 56.189805 -4.07979
FK16 6EH 11 0 56.193037 -4.05536