all postcodes in FK16 / DOUNE

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Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK16 6BJ 36 9 56.189331 -4.051722
FK16 6BQ 3 2 56.189662 -4.052424
FK16 6BS 2 0 56.188924 -4.050322
FK16 6BT 5 0 56.188488 -4.051064
FK16 6BU 46 3 56.188123 -4.050835
FK16 6BW 26 2 56.189084 -4.049791
FK16 6BX 14 0 56.187793 -4.05288
FK16 6BY 14 2 56.188961 -4.052895
FK16 6BZ 17 1 56.189658 -4.053657
FK16 6DA 17 0 56.188086 -4.055781
FK16 6DB 5 0 56.189911 -4.054122
FK16 6DE 36 1 56.190583 -4.054754
FK16 6DF 18 2 56.190083 -4.052922
FK16 6DH 40 0 56.190945 -4.052469
FK16 6DJ 24 0 56.190324 -4.050904
FK16 6DL 9 0 56.189769 -4.050762
FK16 6DN 22 0 56.189413 -4.049438
FK16 6DP 24 1 56.188991 -4.047836
FK16 6DQ 6 0 56.190646 -4.053678
FK16 6DR 1 1 56.188313 -4.052908