all postcodes in FK3 / GRANGEMOUTH

find any address or company within the FK3 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK3 9UN 8 4 56.013592 -3.707717
FK3 9UP 3 0 56.0153 -3.703766
FK3 9UQ 1 1 56.006529 -3.681551
FK3 9UR 9 0 56.014642 -3.702005
FK3 9UT 10 8 56.016555 -3.702666
FK3 9UX 20 11 56.013847 -3.706189
FK3 9YL 1 1 56.013879 -3.70319
FK3 9UY 2 2 56.003807 -3.704087
FK3 9XB 10 7 56.007773 -3.704157
FK3 9XE 1 1 56.003807 -3.675547
FK3 9XH 1 1 56.019483 -3.724824
FK3 9XU 1 1 56.006305 -3.70183
FK3 9XD 1 1 56.010593 -3.691914
FK3 9UB 1 1 56.00168 -3.707465
FK3 9XF 6 6 56.012557 -3.698721